
“We have known David and Gail Rogne for many years. The thing that probably defines this couple best is their passion for sharing the good news of Jesus. This passion, coupled with a broad understanding of Scripture and likable personalities makes them very effective in the places where they have served as missionaries.  We highly recommend David and Gail as people worthy of prayer and financial support as they continue to follow the leading of God as missionaries.” 

Howard Kuhns, elder

“The people of Vanuatu have benefited from the time David and Gail Rogne have invested there. The relationships they have developed with people, from dignitaries to neighbors, have made it possible to spread the Good News of Jesus and see many come to faith in Him. The Lord has given David and Gail a burden to develop and distribute materials in the local languages that will expand what they have already seen accomplished.  Again and again, it has been obvious that God has gone before them so they can be used to build His church.  We support David and Gail because we see the Lord using them to accomplish His will; that’s the kind of ministry we want to partner with through prayer and finances.”

Tim Tyler

“The current need within IGO is very much in line with the strengths that David and Gail possess. Namely, being people centered, self-motivated, and eager to work with the local churches to disciple, train, and equip them to preach the Gospel. David’s natural proclivity to finding answers,  developing relationships with believers in the Vanuatu government and Church leaders, and joining with them is exactly in line with what IGO needs him to do as the point person for IGO-Vanuatu.”

Paul Wolff, Director, International Gospel Outreach

 “I have known David and Gail Rogne for the past 8 years. Their love for the Lord is quite evident in their daily lives.  One of the things I admire most about David is his intense desire to present Jesus Christ to the lost.  When he meets someone he wants to know about their relationship with Jesus. If a person is lost, David shares the Gospel with them and prays with them. Before he and Gail went to Vanuatu, they lived in this community. He and I visited many residents. David always shared Christ. On one occasion, when we went to a restaurant, he shared Christ with the waitress. He tries not to miss any opportunity that God gives him to share Jesus.

Victory Baptist Church joins in the opportunity to support the Rognes through prayer and financially. I wholeheartedly support David and Gail Rogne in their effort to evangelize the people of Vanuatu.

Pastor Charles Vaught

David & Gail Rogne have been ministering in Vanuatu over the last years and currently are in a special niche as they know the language and are familiar with the culture of the  people. They presently are working on ROCK International’s Gospel presentation of KING of GLORY. It is a creation-to-the-cross, Genesis to Revelation, chronological Gospel message. They are working in the language of Bislama. They have been people that live by faith, working hard and eager to share with so many they meet along the way. 

Christians give to the Lord as directed by HIS leading.  My suggestion is that when you are looking for ways to give to the Lord,  maybe you would consider the work of the Gospel going to Vanuatu as appropriate to honor the Lord with those contributions. 

Tom Leger, ROCK International Representative